If I told you that anything in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue for the Nintendo 64 was fun, I would be lying to you.
The bad: Repetitive game-play is too easy and boring, not a lot to explore or do, Poor graphics, audio is hard to stomach, Awfully muffled music
Game-play: 3/10
Graphics: 4/10
Sound: 1/10
Value: 3/10
Tilt: 7/10
Average Score: 3.7/10
You all remember the Power Rangers Show in the 90's. It also had its share of excellent games on the Super Nintendo. When it came on to the 64, it was just garbage. I rented this game yestreday from my friend, expecting a blast. Too bad it's destroyed by boring game-play that will have you sleeping.
There's not much of a plot, but you have to basically stop mayhem by shooting bumblebees, driving mobiles, driving in aircraft, solving mazes, and even beig megazoid. This would sound cool, but you do this all the time! There's not a lot of differences between these, so you're constantly tired of these even after a second. The physics in the game are retarded. Red enemies walk like zombies, the power rangers look goofy and wave their arms like idiots, green enemies jump idiotically, there are bumblebees, and the civilians act retarded, looking like they have seizures. I've also found the dumbest thing in a video game ever. In the driving stages as a truck, if you run into a car, they will simply fly into a building and BOUNCE OFF!! That doesn't make any sense, nor does it even apply to the laws of physics. Are the buildings rubber? And you don't even go that fast.
The game seriously lacks challenge. You might die a lot, but it's nothing to complain about. Instead, you'll be complaining for a challenge. The levels are long and easy, even with the time limits! This means you'll scream for a challenge, which rarely comes. The boss fights are retarded. You can simply button mash missiles at the enemies with megazoid, and if you stand next to them, you can punch them, which misses sometimes, but since the enemies are brain dead stupid, you can accomplish this with stupid proportions. I beat this game in 2 hours without the controller pak! The game does have a radar screen to help you where to go, which is fine.
The graphics look muddy and blurry. You'll find yourself playing in the same, ugly, unimaginative areas over and over again. It also doesn't help that the game's "cut-scenes" if you call them, are a bunch of bland looking animations that look like you're reading a comic book. The worse part is the sound. Civilians say the same lines over and over again. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" "OVER HERE!" Not only are these repeated a lot, but it's scratchy and hard to take. The music is horrible. Who could've believed the sound effects are actually louder than the music! The music sounds quiet and muffled, making for annoyance. There's also about 3 tracks which always play in each level (meaning you'll hear all these songs in the same level), making it so much worse. The snare drums sound horrible, believe me.
If I told you that anything in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue for the Nintendo 64 was fun, I would be lying to you. This is a disgrace to the tv shows and games on the Snes. The black cartridge is cooler than anything in the game. Don't play this, because the best part of the game is when you turn it off.