very good game, hard to understand at first but it grows on you
High elf
Shadow Warrior
Temple guardian
The High elf is a mage in the game and she has a number of different power that you can use in the game, such as creat a clowed, throw ice thorns, throw fire balls, creat a fire deam, cyristal skin,
The shadow warrior was sent back in time to help aid the high elfs and other chacter in the story line to defeat the evil in the game i dont really no much about him as i really didnt use him i was more of an high elf person my self,
the Inquesitor is an evil been in the game and he is only aloud to do the dark campaige and not the light they is not much differcene between the too just that the dark takes a little longer to complete. he can sumon a clone of him self to fight side my self with your self, also make boddies exsplode and many more cool moves,
the Sharaphin is a good been in the game and only can to do the light game campaige she have a number of different attacks she is a very good duel wealder in the game and can do a lot of damage to your enermy.
each character have thier own individual set mouths, these will help each character in the game, making thier powers or attacks stonger.