If you like point and click rpgs, theres a whole here to like.
This is an excellent point and click rpg, obviously in the style of Diablo. And if you liked Diablo your going to like this. Graphics are great and the charcters and armor and weapons look awesome. Mounts are cool, combat is fun and .... there is ALOT to do! Seriously, this game is huge. Im probally 50+ hours in now and ive barely scratched the surface.
On the negitave side, you are going to actually have to read the manual, the in game tutoral is weak and left me scratching my head. Upgrading weapons, magic for example are not explained. But thats a minor gripe. All told this is a great game for its genre.
One last thing, hardcore mode is by far the way to play this game. Permenant death really keeps you on your toes and keeps things exciting. Unfortunatly the game can be a bit easy, but HC mode makes up for that.