A poor man's runescape.

User Rating: 6.5 | Sacred 2: Fallen Angel PS3
visuals: The graphics are reminscent of ps1 games at times, especially the NPC's which were just awful. The towns and landscapes are a bit better, but nothing to write home about. Uncontrolable camera angles further ruin the game, but the colours were pretty good. 6/10

sound: Personally, I prefer an orchestra to a heavy metal band for an RPG. Electric guitars just really sounded out of place and the the music wasn't that good as is. The quirky little comments made by the main character were a bit lame as well. 6/10

story: The main quest is brutal, I played for about 20 hours and have no clue what's going on. The story is so disjointed and has no sense of urgency or importance to it. I found the side quests to be more enjoyable as they were simple and pleasing, especially the longer ones. Certain games can get away withuot having a great story (Fallout 3) but it's really noticeable in this game. 5/10

gameplay: Combat is pretty choppy, some boss fights are extremely difficult and often times it's too hard to get places because some tree or river is blocking the way. All in all, it is hard to enjoy the game because its hard to move around freely. It would have been nice to be able to have both male and female characters for each class...that was a real let down. 5/10

extras: I just plain love games set in this time period. The armor, weapons, enemies and massive amounts of quests really make up for the games' shortcomings and ensure that its worth buying for any RPG fan. 10/10

Overall, this game has its shortcommings, but that is a result of potentially supplying hundreds of hours of enjoyable gametime through countless quests and a massive world to explore. It's a classic style RPG with a great feel to it. It's similar to Oblivion in some ways (but not nearly as good), which alone is worth my money.