Despite the games bugs and and poor frame rate, it still brings along some great questing and dungeon crawling.

User Rating: 8 | Sacred 2: Fallen Angel X360
I first saw this title a couple months ago, and was looking for a good quest/dungeon crawling RPG. I read some other reviews on the game, and noticed that it had a few bugs, and it does. I popped the game in and chose my character. The character creation in Sacred isn't very good at all, you get two hair styles, a couple colors, and then the name of your choosing. You also get to pick a Light or Shadow path, like a good or evil campaign mode. The game proceeded with a horribly created intro, with lame graphics and horrible voice work from a cloaked man as the narrator. I had to actually skip the cut scene it was so boring, but i already knew the it didn't really matter.

Well after the intro, the game has begun...and my first experience of the bugs happened. My character suddenly had a seizure all the way across the screen, he finally chilled out though and i could start playing. At first i really didn't know what to think of the game, the controls take some getting used to, and so does the over all game.

The combat works fairly well, you choose your weapon and you put it into a slot, those slots being the A, B, X, Y buttons on the controller, you walk up to an enemy and you hold down the button while your character dishes out attacks. Once you start getting familiar with the game and your character gains levels, you can pick combat arts, which are special attacks or spells, and you can choose combination's. And all those things make the combat more fun, which is needed because when your not in a one of the games 42 or so towns where your safe, there are A LOT of enemy's to fight. The enemy's are very well designed, and after a while you start blocking out the cheesy, repetitive, bad bad bad voice work.

Questing is very fun, but the bugs make it confusing. You have 100's of main quests to do, and even more side quests. The side quests are your typical RPG, kill this, retrieve this, and escort this person quests. But they are well played, and well designed. There are many dungeons to explore, with 100's of enemy's to demolish. Which makes the first few levels of ranking up easy and fast. The enemy's tend to drop some great items, and great amounts of money. Depending on where you are, depends on how good the items are you loot, and how much money they drop. The game features some very nice looking armor sets, and very brutal looking weapons. I have a very very enjoyable time finding new armor to try on, and new weapons to wield. They make fighting enemy's, looting things, and searching dungeons that much funner.

Over all this game is very good and exciting, and hard to put down. It does have bugs, and they come in numbers, the invisible walls are also a pain in the neck to deal with. But you eventually get over it, and the game becomes excellent to play. I recommend anyone a fan of games like Oblivion and Diablo to check this one out. It doesnt quite compare to the greatness Oblivion or Diablo (thats hard to do) but this game does a good job. I think i talked down about this game more then i did talk good, but the games problems doesnt make this game less fun to play, just things they need to fix in the future. I am telling you, you end up ignoring the bugs, and voice acting after a couple of minutes, and start to really enjoy this title.

check this game out.