Here is an honest review from a RPG playing, and Sacred, veteran.

User Rating: 8 | Sacred 2: Fallen Angel X360
Well, I have waited years, literally, for this game to port onto xbox 360. The computer version was awesome. One of the most addicting "Diablo Clones" ever. However, after being spoiled by the PC game, I was a little disappointed by the 360 version. With that said, the graphics are great, there is tons of loot, and the area to explore is simply massive!!!
And with the good, comes the bad. Voice acting rates high on the cheese factor. Endless random comments from your character makes you want to mute the game. The menus aren't too user friendly either, comparing weapon and armor stats is laborious.
The quests that your hero will encounter are very silly. Such as, find this, bring me here, gather this, rescue my gets old after awhile. But you do get to ride horses, and it speeds travel greatly; as do the teleport stations. Combat is ok depending on the area you go to. Some areas you visit are so easy, especially if you do quests out of order - there isn't much fun in killing anyone or even exploring if this happens.
Overall, the game does grow on you. As any good RPG fan knows, there is nothing like upgrading your character's gear and stats. Sacred II gives you that on an awesome scale if you can get through past the its shortcomings.