Sacred was a game series close to Diablo but after Sacred 2 the developer went under causing this game to fall in different hands.
Where the other games focused on `real` RPG element such as quests/looting/variable growth Sacred 3 plans the game out for you making this a good RPG for beginners.
Another difference is the heavy integration of multiplayer for off-line 2 and on-line 4 player modes its a jump in/out mechanic adjusting the difficulty as more players join or leave your quest.
You level up and as you do you unlock new abilities and equipment that you will need to advance in the game but you will also need gold to use/equip them wich can lead to a little grinding.
The story is written like a comedy so don`t expect dragon age like political correct stuff.
The game is nicely polished and works great on-line service is decent and the game plays very fluid, but it`s not great just good. And this year lacks RPG`s so i`ll take it.
Story: 6.5
Gameplay: 7.5
Graphics: 7
Sound: 6
Music: 7.5