Could have been great, just so-so
After the first couple of hours, I don't feel like my character was seriously challenged. I died about five times the first two days, and maybe once or twice over the next month of gameplay. The end boss was ridiculously easy. The ending was disappointing. Sure, I might play the sequel, but I deserved a real ending.
Game hint: If you can, devise a strong attack skill to kill a single opponent, but also have a strong area attack as a backup, to handle times when foes swarm in. My battle mage leveled up fireball first, then lightning strike (great area effect in higher levels) and also ghost meadow and a bit of fire spiral. Fire spiral is a hoot, but you don't need a lot of levels in it. Fireball is super wicked for long-range attack, and it packs a massive punch.
My biggest problem in gameplay was finding the route to the next milepost. There are red dots on the map to help you, but the route is not always intuitive. I wasted a lot of time searching and doubling back for the route.