The best rpg even better than diablo.

User Rating: 10 | Sacred PC
boy what a game when i first laid eyes on it i new this game will rock and it sure did everyone talks about how this is a daiblo clone but it is not it is better trust me this is the game you will like i just cant wait for sacred 2 and 3 and all the others damn i cant stop playing this game will someone help lol the way the world was made is cool and it is huge you can never search every corner of the map because it is the most large and combat system is good graphics great much better than diablos and i dont know just about everything in this game is perfect and trust me if you have not baught it yet you simply have to if you dont like it just try it and you will be sucked in its world and its charecters you have a variety of choices wich you can choose from gladiator to battle-mage you will have many skills to choose from a lot of weapons to try and many many quests to acomplish