Sacred is a great game, very similar to Diablo II. If these 2 games were combined it would be a masterpiece. Diablo II has easy combat, which makes people happy. Sacred has great optional quests and horses that you can ride. In fact, Sacred has the greatest quests in these types of games that I've ever seen. Diablo II has good optional quests too, but they are only about 2 per world. Sacred has at least 5 quests per village, and there are a lot of villages. Also, Sacred has a HUGE world to explore and conquer, with tons of monsters and items, while Diablo II only has limited small maps. Also, in Sacred, you can easily switch between spells and weapons in a mere keystroke, making it very comfortable to fight. But there is usually a long delay between attacks, so it'll take about 30 seconds to kill a monster at your level, unlike in Diablo II, it's about 5 seconds per monster. In Sacred though, you have abilities and spells which you can quickly switch trough, and kill about 10 monsters and heal yourself twice in about 20 seconds, therefore making spells and abilities more valuable than weapon combat, unlike in Diablo II, where a sorceress can easily kill a Darkling in 3 hits. Diablo II is a very fast-paced game, where overnight you can beat half of it if you are skilled, but in Sacred you can take as long as you want. The only bad thing about Sacred is the storyline. Every character starts differently and the beginning for most is interesting, but then as the story clashes and becomes the same for all classes, it is mainly "Go talk to some guy on the east side of the world," after you talk to him, "Go talk to some guy on the south side of the world," then "Talk to the guy at the north of the world." Once again, it is an exceptionally big world in Sacred, so it takes a long time to talk to everyone, but this is only the first of 4 chapters, where the rest get a lot more interesting. Maybe Ascaron (the company that made this game) wanted you to first explore the world before really playing. Another problem that I had was with glitches. There were very many of them. Some were horse and mount/unmount glitches. It was very irritating, for example, you were in combat, about to be killed, so you wanted to retreat. You clicked on your horse, or on the mount icon, and you just couldn't get on your horse, and you got killed, which was very disencouraging. Also, if you owned a horse already, and then mounted a weaker horse(yes, the horses do vary) and got off, you couldn't get back on your stronger horse, unless the weaker horse gets killed. Another problem was if you equipped your horse with a saddle and sell it, the saddle stays on the horse, and you can't keep it. These glitches may have been fixed, since I haven't updated at all, and I'm still at version 1.0. The game gives you a mischievous feel to it, and it feels good. Also when you play it you can tell that the makers worked really hard on it. The graphics are a bit better than average, and the sound is great, other than the music, which is average. The gameplay is the best I've ever seen in these kind of games. I happily recommend Sacred to everyone.
In "Sacred" you assume the role of one out of five pre-created characters and journey through a world that you will ultimately have to save. They would like you to think that each of the five characters has his/her own p... Read Full Review
Diablo is a great game game. It's easily one of the better games to be released and even now i believe it to be a better game than the more recent Titan Quest. However, it is not the greatest Hack n Slash RPG ever mad... Read Full Review