Fun, accessible, easy to pick up RPG and better than many newer ones (e.g. TQ)
Also the graphics were appalling, I know its an old game but I thought I would try 1 not 2 as it is supposed to be a 'classic' and has had years to have the bugs ironed out through patches. Graphics aren't everything but they were pretty poor and this brings me to my first point: so what about 3D graphics? Sacred is 2D and like other games such as the Divinity ones it looks fantastic for it; a real work of art. Rotating the camera is not always needed when a game looks this good. I could do that in NWN but the sacrifice was characters that looked like a geometry problem.
On the same subject, Titan Quest looked incredible as a 3D game but in that the game play involved a linear run through a valley so that got dull very quickly and I gave up half way through.
I had better say something about Sacred I guess. Buy this game if you want an easy to run , easy to learn RPG without all the nonsense. The characters are diverse and you can customise as you play anyway. It also offers some new ones (e.g. the Seraphim babe) and this gave you horse riding before Two Worlds was even thought of. Another good bit is that you get runes that you add to your special abilities but to keep it simple you can also use them to mod equipment and weapons. You can also use rings and amulets to mod them as well, all of which keeps it simple and keeps it fun.
The combo moves are also good, I am just making sense of them this time around and have learnt a move sequence that can dispatch enemies very effectively.
My only gripe is that the manual is not very good, which may be why I dropped the game the first time but now I am getting the hang of it a lot more.
Worth buying.
Okay, after playing for a few days I realised why I didn't complete it the first time: It is rather dull after a while. Playing as the Seraphim I discovered the Rotating Blades of Light spell can be used to pretty much kill everything you run into so there is no real combat any more. Also the much publicised idea of starting in bronze difficulty then moving up to silver when you get to level 30 or so is all very well but you should realise you have to start the game over when you export the character like that so that's pointless and add to the dullness. I therefore knock it down from 8.0 to 6.5. It's still very pretty, massive and a free-roamer so if you like Diablo there is not much to complain about (I didn't by the way, so now I am complaining...).