The idea here is good, it just needs to be fixed and rebalanced.
You click on a monster to execute your special attack and.... nothing.... nothing happens, so you click again... and again.... finally after a few of these, it executes. Even when they do, it's like there is this delay between it starting, and it actually happening. JUMP ATTACK!!
Prep.... Pointless animation....
FINALLY it executes!!
I really don't understand why they couldn't implement a more fluid control scheme. The interface is a pain too. You can't customize controls. You have to earn slots to assign power to hotkeys. But even this is lame. You eventually get five slots for weapons, and five for powers. WHY do I need five different weapons ready to go? I NEVER had enough room for my powers.
In the end what did me in WAS the huge world, even though I was looking forward to it. It's enormous. Looking at this huge map after hours of gameplay and realizing how little I've covered is scary. This is especially considering the careful pace you have to take with all the enemies that respawn WAY too fast, infrequent potion drops, and the previously mentioned interface killing you faster than the monsters, and you have a frustrating combination.
This game could be good. It need to be FIXED, but what is there could be interesting if it didn't drive you crazy.