You hack... And you slash! Hack and slash....hack and slash...hack and....boy my fingers hurt.
One problem here is that there is simply little incentive in killing everything you see. Leveling up doesn't really make a difference in your fighting prowess as the enemy gets stronger as you level up, and quite a number of unique skill abilities known as combat arts are similarly shared by all the 6 different characters, like Attack and Multi-hit, which makes these skills seem less interesting. Also, there is no really special strategy or twist in the hack'n'slash formula, just hacking and slashing. Everything is straightforward clicking of the mouse even with the use of magic combat.
The side quests are dull too as it's either kill this or fetch that and the rewards you get for doing so are just uninspiring, for they are either gold or experience points with a few occasional random gear thrown towards you. At the end of the day, you get to amass absurd amounts of gold and experience points that you find that there is no meaning to it anymore. And when you think you finally had enough of the mindless killing thanks for the ridiculously fast spawning time and decide to just make a dash through the crowd, you meet some reeaallly nice magic dudes and dudesses who keep stalling your footsteps by casting hold spells on you, forcing you to hack'n'slash again through the surrounding mass of enemies whom you passed by. Great. Mind you too, these magic casters have some of the weirdest voice-overs to irritate you further.
Well, enough about the **** One of the elements that I enjoyed is the map exploration. There are some interesting places to encounter upon with easter eggs here and there, making fun of the fantasy world with modern day jokes. The 2D landscape is lush with 3D lighting and detailed features which gives you a little incentive to explore as much as possible. After clocking around 100 hours of finger-hurting gameplay and finally made my Seraphim through the Silver stage, I can finally put the game box permanently on the shelf.