The game tries to do too much and ends up being frustrating due to constant stalemates and endless battles.
Fantastic; while the character renderings are dated here in 2007, they still appear original and crazy. The world is massive and really sucks you in. Great particle effects make casting spells and siphoning off mana pleasing to the eyes.
Amazing sound with great voice actors and appropriate sound effects. The music typically keeps pace with the mood without being annoying or invasive.
Level Design
Each stage is thoughtfully laid out with points of advantage during combat and strategic points to hold out.
The A.I. is very good, too good for my liking. I found some of the battles to go one forever (meaning 4-6 hours) without any sort of advancement. The game was so balanced that the scales never tipped either way. This hampered all of the other great factors going for the game (above).
While the game was well constructed and is impressive to the senses, the gameplay was inevitably frustrating and overlong. Still, there is no game like it to date, and it's worth playing for a spell if you find a copy in the bargain bin.