Just short of excellent
Customization in this game is far better & user friendly then GTA4. Clothes,cars,cribs,appearance,fighting style and even customizing your own gang.Its all there.Its what the Saints Row series is known for and if youre like me and love this part of any game then you will definately enjoy SR2.
Graphics. This game wont be winning any prizes for its looks.They're not horrid by any means, but if you take SR2 and stand it aside the new games coming out now, then you'll know what I mean. Its like the ugly sister with the big personality.
Gameplay. Fun,action-packed & arcade. These are words that come to mind. Driving in this games a breeze ,controls are simple and the cars handle like they have tires treated with hot wax.You will crash but its not as frustrating as other games,before you know it you're be back on track and back up to speed.Shooting while driving can be tricky in a high speed chase.A button that could make your car track another would've been a nice addition.Gunfights are constant and most of the time pretty much the same.A lot of the missions centre around you going to a destination and eliminating all enemies. Its quite repetative but they take place in a lot of different settings which is good.What I found annoying was the unlimited respawning of enemies.They just keeeeeep coming. It gets to the point where you have to ignore them and just go after the objectives
Storyline.The actual story is short in length but it has its moments and there are some good characters. It can be pretty full on at times ..chopping off heads etc.If you have a weak stomach prob best steer clear. When you do finish the main story ,pretty much all thats left to do is find collectables and complete activities. It does feel a bit empty at this stage, and unless you're going for 100% completion its kinda pointless playing on. However there is also Multiplayer which I didnt play so cant comment on.
Overall a great game thats immersive and all action 8/10