THQ should join the companies that made just cause 2 to get the best outcome of open world games.

User Rating: 6 | Saints Row 2 (Collector's Edition) X360
lets see what the game is about:

you see at first look you are gonna hate this game,because first it just do not look as good as GTA games or even just cause 2 will eat this game RAW,but after playing a bit and getting used to the game play you are gonna see that it is actually fun.
the thing that impressed me the most about this game is the cheat codes,if you look at the number of cheats you are able to input to the game you are gonna think the same.
there are about or more cheats that you can input in the game using the phone that the main character has and by dialing numbers you can enable them.
the cheats contain vehicle cheats,guns,weather,fun things...
so the cheat codes impressed me so much.
so after a few missions that you play,you still do not have a clue what you have to do the same problem we had on just cause 2,
the point of the game is to do side missions in order to get respect points and in order to be able to do story missions and move forward,
along side these side missions you have other things to do such as doing a graffiti on the wall will give you about 400-500 respect points,the main character is the leader of a gang called saints,
so these saints have problem with 3 other gang members have taken the city for their own,since the leader went to the prison.
there are so many missions to do and if you add the side missions you will have tons of missions to do.
also different places to go,for example a place to buy clothes or get a tattoo,you can buy houses,
so far we are looking at the same things that GTA4 had,but in basic.
the game play is really fun you have radio stations to listen to just like GTA.
i have to mention that if you use the cheats and enable the cheats you would not get any achievement.
i have to say the weather is OK,it is not that good but it is OK IMO.
the storyline is boring.and the way this leader has problem with his other gang members is and other just stupid.the hate he is giving his own crew makes it even worse.
the least he can do is respect his own crew, you do not see that at all.
so the main character is a jerk.that makes the whole game/story line hard to play( less joy).
it would have been better if we had a choice in this game to be good or be bad and would have been better if this changed the ending.
i do not know why but i think GTA4 was a great game.that is why i have the right to compare this game to its genre games.
so altogether i only enjoyed some parts of the game and really hated other parts.
violence is disturbing,i would not suggest buying this game at is not the best game out there.
but,if you have a lot of free time that you do want to waste this game can fill up the hours.
thanks for your time.