Saints Row 2 = Great game
User Rating: 9.5 | Saints Row 2 (Collector's Edition) X360
All and all Saints Row 2 is a pretty darn good improvement over Saints Row one. Yes the graphics are a LITTLE better and the same glitches are still in this game. But with that out of the way Saints Row 2 has its strong advantages. Such as a endless supply of weapons, new cars to drive, and a far more advanced and interesting story line. And you can now customize pretty much everything (gang, cars, cribs) and of course.. yourself. Another great addition to the game is that you are now allowed to choice between a man or a woman. Over all Saints Row two feels like a vast upgrade to Saints Row, but its still wroth buying. Saints Row 2 gets a 9.5 out of 10.
The downsides to this game is well.
The graphics are only slightly improved.
The AI is not as great if not the same as SR1
The city has changed but after a while you get the same old feeling.
The "side" missions are the same.
The same glitches that where in SR1 are in Saints Row 2
The online play is not much improved which is a let down.