THQ please stay strong!
It is a bit lame though that you can kill someone in front of a cop and he'll do nothing, or worse walk around in your prison garb and still, nothin'...but maybe that's because it gives you a headstart before the real pain begins?
Hilarious it is though, when a pimp takes a newspaper booth and beats senseless a cop across the street! man, that had youtube all over it.
The Zombie Uprising is going to go down as classic, but overall, yeah, it does just repeat saints 1 too much. The customization is great and graphics quite nice; car handling is expected for some reason, although why a Open game can't do it better is beyond me; the drive camera is also a bit annoying and slow, but on foot, hah, "Zombie uprising in the streets!"
Music so far has much to be desired, missions are like Gamespot reviewed, and side-activities are fun, but also for only first go thrill, upon repeat, 'eh, again?'
I can't really see a Saints 3, and maybe the ending to 2 puts that question completely out, but it'd be nice to see what Thq can do with it's engine/developers next time, having done 1 and 2.
Overall, it is one fun game, combat styles/cinematics just totally refreshing, customization:hedonistic, and overall, just one more Open World game to the mix. I just hope that Saints 2 does for THQ what Assassins Creed did for Ubisoft, and GTA4 did for Take Two -and that was to give it a new oxygen tank to try again and have another go...