A great game that is pure fun to play!

User Rating: 9 | Saints Row 2 PS3
i have been looking forward to sr2 as soon as i heard that it was coming out on PS3 and as soon as it did i hired it and it was an extremely fun game to play some good things about the game are
> A good storyline that keeps you interested in the game
> Lots of things to do outside of missions sometimes you'll find yourself not doing the storyline missions at all
>Lots of customization in the game
>Heaps of melee weapons to choose from including my personal favorite the samurai sword
>Heaps of weapons to choose from like RPGS and sniper rifles
> The melee combat is really gory and satisfying
> And last but not least you can cover people with sewerage and who doesn't like that

So all in all SR2 is a fun game to play, don't get me wrong there is a few problems with the game like Glitches with the AI and it becomes really frustrating when they won't do what you want them to do but the game makes up for this by creating a fun environment that really sucks you in to the game