Saints row 2 xbox 360 review (can volition top GTA IV?)
Sainta row 2 is the sequel to the game that many thought was a gta clone but can it hold its own against its main rival GTA IV?
Single player
Lets get one thing straight SR2 is one big game there is endless stuff to do from trail blazing insurance fraud and most of these side missions manage to be fun and you will be doing a lot of them because if you don't you can't progress through the single player this was my complaint from SR1 but the good thing is the side missions are all mostly fun so its nothing to really complain about. The story in SR2 picks up after SR1 you have just came out of a coma and you escape from a prison this mission is your first chance to test the guns controls out however i had a bit of Deja vu when i first played this game because it feels the same and the visuals are pretty much the same so whats really new? well the map is different to SR1 its larger and has more to it and sr2 includes bikes planes helicopters boats pretty much everything that SR1 should have had and the game has a lot more ways to customize you can change your apartment to your liking basically everything can be made to suit your needs. The SP is long and has some very good missions that managed to make me chuckle or just plain laugh out loud.
In saints 2 though i have my share of dissapointment and the biggest is the lack of polish the glitches in the game are everywhere the game does feel like Saints row 1.5 and the cars still feel like trucks when they top out very quick you feel like your doing 55mph and the handling is too sensitive However the game has co-op which actually makes sense and a great feature that games like GTA could really do with.
The game is jam packed with weapons from stun guns RPGS etc all are very satisfying to use and easily top GTA IVS selection.
My big complaint is the achievement glitches i got none for completing certain tasks and that is a a big flaw for someone who put a lot of time into this.
closing comments
Saints row 2 is a good game that can be very fun but its still riddled with glitches and it could of really done with more time and polish but with that said it has a good story and endless customization options that should keep you interested.
Good humour
decent story
endless customization
Very gltichy
game could of improved a lot more
MP is good but not long lasting
Saints row 2 is a fun but slighlty lacking open world game.