I wish i was playing Saints Row 1

User Rating: 4 | Saints Row 2 PS3
Somewhere along the line somebody decided "Hey you know what would be a good idea".
"Whats that harold?"
"Lets get a Pornstar as our executive Producer"

So when did the original Saints Row team decide that getting Tera Patrick (Porn Star) to be the executive producer. Well i have no idea but it probibly involved somebody getting laid... thats all ill say.

The Story:

Saints Row 2 is set 2 years after the original where your character is brought out of a Coma to find the saints to be gone and Stillwater to be taken over by the Ultor Corporation. You follow on the predictable storyline which involves no twists to the absolutley Appauling ending. At least there is a secret mission which gives a little bit of closure but makes you hate the character you play at the same time

The good

For this Pros and Cons of this review i will be summing up simply very sorry its late

Fantastic Character customisation
Great controls
Good Voice acting

The Bad

Terrible Story
Atrocious Glitches every 2 hours crashing the game
Cheesy comedy


Overall i am rating this game a four i just wish i hadnt of wasted my money.