If you like the Grand Theft Auto series, you'll love Saints Row 2. If you ask me, Saints Row 2 is better than GTA IV.

User Rating: 10 | Saints Row 2 (Collector's Edition) X360
Saints Row 2 is one of the best games I've ever played. I have had it for about a year now, and I still pop the disk into my Xbox 360 at least once a week. The storyline is great. It makes sense unlike some other open world crime games (Grand Theft Auto 4) no matter which mission you decide to play. GTA IV can get confusing if you play your missions in an unorganized fashion. Saints Row 2 also has the best humor of any game I've played. It is so immature but it doesn't get on your nerves. The characters also drop F bombs all the time, but you get used to it. You get to create your own character in the beginning. The character creation system is amazing. This can also be a pain. It's very hard to create a good character.
You can drive and customize a ton of vehicles. The vehicle customization lets you take a piece of junk vehicle and turn it into a nice looking piece of junk vehicle. I'm just kidding, there are a lot of great vehicles in the game! There is a large amount of weapons for your character to use. You can get into some serious trouble with your guns, too! In the end, it is my favorite game. There is just so much to do.