Saints Row 2 is fun, a lot of fun. It doesnt try to act like GTA 4, its more a San Andreas approach, which is good news, as I consider S A to be superior to GTA4. Not Graphically ofcourse, but in variety and content its richer. Character costumization is among the best ever. Gun fights ars simply amazingly satisfying thanks to solid mechanics, awesome gun sounds, fast moving bullets, destructible suroundings, good rag doll physics and awesome explosions. I want to give particular attention to RPGs, which look and feel amazing. They fly fast and are pretty accurate at long ranges and end up in a beautyful, violent blast effect with sparks and smoke everywhere, not like those slow, inaccurate, bland and unimpressive RPGs in Mercs 2 if you played that one. Helicopters are abundant and have awesome avionics and physics, until you hit a building or light pole, then they just loose it. About the cars, theres a huge variety of them and they are highly costumizable, have nice physics and weight but some of them have weird handling with exagerated oversteering and cornering, specially the lighter, faster cars feel off. The damage mechanic is preety good with nice deformation, particles, sounds, and effects when you crash. Missions are fun and satisfying with nice variety, good design and pace and abundance. Side missions are everywhere and are as much fun as story missions, and playing them rewards with leveling up something on the character, like longer sprinting, more powerfull melee atacks, unlimited ammo for a weapon, and more cool stuff youll find very usefull. Overall graphics look a little washed, but lighting effects, and textures are allright. I highly recommend it to any one that liked San Andreas. With its silly and funny stereotypes, sheer variety and fun gameplay, Saints Row 2 is a refreshing and welcome gaming experience.
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