The number of technical issues makes me want to vomit. I just have to begin my review by saying that. Seeng $*** like this [] sends an electric current of rage through my body (Yea, thats a dude stuck half way through a car). And here is a video of what happened to my player when i drove my car into water []. These two examples are but grains of sand on a very large beach compared to the total number of glitches I've seen. By far one of my favorite ones is where you have to drive your car to a destination point; destination point happens to be in the middle of a lake... that one caused a good laugh, too bad I didn't cap a screen of that. As you can probably guess, bugs mess with missions you're doing at the moment. ALOT. I also cant forget to mention that game isnt optimized for PC at all. Its running 15FPS medium-low setting on 8800 series graphics card... thats some $***. So how was this pile of "art" even allowed to hit the store shelves? What was quality control doing at the time?
Now the story. Nice try, but a miserable fail. There is nothing connecting the sub-plots, and final part of the story just kind of pops out of nowhere... Even the damm missions for the same gangs are connceted among each other only about half the time or so. Oh, and did I mention that its linear as hell? Who wrote this???? Was he\she seriously paid money for it? What a horrible injustice!
Car handling is more realistic in GTA3 (released in 2001) than in this game. Sports cars are uncontrollable with a keyboard, which once again screams out "STAY ON CONSOLES". Bikes are just uncontrollable PERIOD. Heli will flip over as soon as it hits a surface while angled, and it will stay flipped over until it blows up. Awesome. The only thing that handles properly is the boat....
So, creators of this game forced PC gamers wait several months after its console release, and during that time didn't even bother making a descent port. Bottom line: this glitch-infested GTA knock-off will stay in the shadows of this industry and fade from public's memory in a matter of months, and by no means is it worth your time or money.
Being a Saints Row 1 fan I was extremely excited for the second part of the game, but this year when they announced a part 2 for PC as well I decided to skip the consoles version and get the superior PC version. Huge mis... Read Full Review
Saints Row 2 is, simply put, an outrageously brilliant game. It's the best use of an open world I've ever experienced, that lets you do what you feel like doing. It's developed by Volition, who made Descent and Red Fa... Read Full Review