Simply Put, Saints Row 2 is a blast if you can get it to run well.
User Rating: 8.5 | Saints Row 2 PC
Saints Row 2 is not a serious game, and it does not take itself seriously. It basically encouredges you do drive about causing mayhem, which is usually main attraction of big city sandbox type games. The story is silly, the characters are silly, the whole city is just plain silly. But thats what the game is trying to do. It removes the serious aspects of the GTA games and replaces them with humor and madness. The difficulty is forgiving, you receive powerful weapons from the start of the game, driving is forgiving, fighting is forgiving, this game is not meant to challenge you, but instead to entertain you.
Now the downside. Its a crappy port. it looks pretty bad and it runs pretty bad. The upside is that it ran very stable on my unstable machine. The downside is that it lags whenever you are driving, running, or shooting outdoors, which is most of the game. Luckily, many of the cutscenes dont have this problem, and they are often hilarious and intense. If you want a fun, silly game to play with friends, Saints Row 2 is the game for you.