No 8.8 button so... The only thing that mars this games sheer awesomeness is production values and glitches.

User Rating: 9 | Saints Row 2 PS3
Now not everyone can say Saints row is better than GTA vise versa but I know MOST of us can surely say saints row 2 is a crazy immature riot all the way through. The game takes place in the fictional city of stillwater where you the unnamed protagonist is in jail after a 3 year coma. after awaking and breaking out you realize your old gang the saints have fallen to pieces thanks to the three knew badass gangs of stillwater The ronin the brotherhood and the sons of samedi. the story lines involving these gangs never cross through each other which is rather "silly" but saints row is a "silly" game. Lets just say the only realistic think portrayed of the gangster lifestyle in this game is the various gang strongholds and turf. Character customization is a different story however. You have strong control over what your character looks like. You can be a man a woman a man in women's clothing or a woman in mans clothing etc. Missions are usually assault typed based missions and aggressiveness is needed since the lack of cover system. There are not many ways to take on these missions but you can always instead of using a gun or fists to do the job why not throwing your human shield at them. yep you can throw people. side activities are even more crazier from an illegal fight club to jumping on a flaming ATV destroying everything in sight. Its fun alone but AWESOME with a friend in online CO-OP. sadly competitive multiplayer is quite forgettable but Co-op more than makes up for that and various gltiches and pop in's. Overall Saints row 2 was one of the best games of 2008 and most Gta fans will like it if they get over the "gta rip off" idea