Saints Row 2 compensates for it's poor visuals qualities with lots of fun!

User Rating: 9 | Saints Row 2 PC
Here are my grades for Saints Row 2:
Graphics: 70- Clearly the weakest point in the game. Maybe on consoles the games looks better, but on the PC you'd expect more serious work to be done. Disappointing. Sometimes you get the impression you are playing GTA: San Andreas.
Sound: 100- Wow, surprisingly good! Great voice-overs for the game's characters. The music on the radio is as good as GTA's!
Controls: 90- Not bad! The game is pretty easy to control and there aren't as many complaints. Helicopters are easier to fly than in GTA, but cars and characters are "clumsier" than GTA's.
Longevity: 100- Never-ending fun! The option to create a new character every time and the fun side-missions make this game a permanent installment on your PC!
Overall: 90- Very good! I definitely recommend this game if you are looking for fun and are ready to look beyond some graphics issues.