I have played GTA since the day it has come out and even though this is not GTA, iT definatly matches up to it. What can I say, its basically the same game with a differant title. If your debating whether or not to get this game all you have to ask yourself is, Do I like GTA series? If the answer is yes, then you should buy this game. The graphics in this game are very good. IT looks like 360 graphics, lets just say. The cut videos are good and well done. The gamplay is also good in this game. About the same as GTA. The only down side to this game is the camera. ITs hard as your running to keep looking in the direction you want to look. The camera doesnt move and show the way your body is facing, you have to do it yourself, so that is kind of a pain.
All I have to say is, this is a good game, Whether you liked GTA will answer your question whether or not to get it. If you dont like GTA and your thinking this will be for you, then, you better rent it first. That way you know for sure.
Some info you might want to know before I get on with the review, I am about 40-50 hours in the game and beaten the main storyline. My Gamertag is ShottyOwnage You begin the game by making a custom character of your c... Read Full Review
Saints row is a under- appreciated game that really deserves more credit. It may be similar to GTA but you could make that case for EVERY game for pete's sake. The graphics are amazing and they really show what the 360 c... Read Full Review