A great game in its own right.

User Rating: 9.3 | Saints Row X360
While it definitely could be argued that Saints Row is a GTA clone -- if you had never played a GTA game, this game would stand on its own as a great game regardless of the similarities. In almost every element that is important to making a good game, this game exceeds GTA's performance. Graphics, sound, controls, interface -- they all refine the GTA experience and are simply more fun in this game. I highly recommend this game to GTA fans and non-fans alike. It has that "just one more mission" addictive quality to it that is lacking in most games. By the way, if you don't like crude sexual humor and tons of swearing, then steer clear. And seriously, don't let your kids play this stuff! I can't believe it when I hear 12 year - olds on Xbox Live when I'm playing this game. What's going on with parents these days?