the best game to rival gta yet

User Rating: 10 | Saints Row X360
when you buy this game, u would think its another wannabe gta style game right? well its not. it has surpassed gta in physics, gameplay, graphics , granted it is next-gen, but GTA could have done all that except for the graphics, but the rag-doll was a must need, the online play, although laggy,can be very very fun, while doing protect tha pimp the team work there is great, now for the single player mode, the in-depth character creation and the option for clothes works great, the story for the game is very good, but i won't go into that, keep you in suspense >.> the weapons are great, the explosions, the radio is pretty good, but the chaotic-ness when playing the activites to earn respect is very fun. this game is a very very good buy for the 360 and GTA lovers.