The badass on the shelf waiting to be taken home.
As the game starts your piled with action up to your neck and it all happens in a new york minute! Danm right! The music is perfect with the game and like ontop this game makes you feel like a badass with the hair standing action non-stop. Some people may hate this game only because they either (1. suck at it (2. can't tell good from bad (3. A sorry sob who has a ps2 and is a San Andreas fan boy.
This game is bigger than vice city but smaller than SA but the differance is the action, story, cars, missions, ETC. Practically did everything GTA isn't. Saints Row is more on the action and story than a sand box, it has soo much action with just cars you don't need planes or boats or a tank! This thing is what being gangster is all about. (Except online when you have 10 and younger kids playing the game that don't shutup and team kill... yeah kids on a rated M game... one of them B*tched at me saying I'm standbying because he doesn't know what lag is...)
Yeah just to get this off my chest... YOU CAN'T MOD, STANDY, OR ANYTHING ON A XBOX360: For example, you standby the modem and your cut off xboxlive and your profile so you got to sign back online into your profile meaning turning your modem on or off won't do anything but get you out of the game. You can't mod because the danm thing is a solid metal box so if you do take the crow bar to it don't expect it to work after you tore that hard drive apart. ONE LAST THING! Standbying is only effective on xbox with halo2. Such noobs I swear!!
The game is good none the less with the A.I. really smart your homies do make a differance when u bring them along on a mission.
So listen to me because I give word for word on games I don't give the game a bad review if i suck at the game or it isn't my type.
The game is worth it you can rent it but you got to get through the story!