If you like good custimization, great multiplayer than this is the game for you.
The game swonderful multiplayer expirence will leave you wanting for more i personally played this game for about a year and was still in love with it. You can create and custimize your own character online and offline, form a wide variety of clothes and accessories. This game is the whole package.
The bad though is that the multiplyer has some flaws like stand by. baseball bat glitching where you cant be seen and you can run around and kill people with a base ball bat. But if you can still kill them there just invisible. also the story mode is a little too short ofr most gamers it can be beaten in a little under 5 hours.
But me personally again i think this game is better than GTA in gerneral mainly beciase of its multii[player this is a buy but you should just wait for the second one.