REALLY REALLY CLOSE. but no cuban cigar

User Rating: 8.4 | Saints Row X360
In many respects saints row is a great game. holding up stores, doing all the fun side missions, online play, and the best graphics ever in an open-ended game. Even with such good things there are simple things that could have been added to make the game an exclent game. The addition of helicoptors, boats, or even motorcycles would have brought the game to an all new level. Also while there is online play and it is fun there is a lack of maps and you would expect some kind of 2 player freeroam on xbox live which was what i was looking forward to. any of those things could have made this game better than it was but oh well, we can look for patches i guess.

Now for the review:

SOUND: 8/10
The sound is great the cars sputter when the take enough damage. each car sounds different. guns sound great, and voice acting is spot on. Also bubba the love sponge (From Howard Stern) has his own radio station. The only thing that keeps the sound from being a perfect 10 is the lack of good radio.

Great. The cars look beatful, the charter models are gourgous though some look better done than others. The city looks great too.

GAMEPLAY: 8.5/10
This game has a great story line, great side missions, fun gunplay, and good races. But it is all brought down by the lack of other vechials than cars that is all it needed to give the game more replay value because as it standt now it get repetive with the same thing over and over

TOTAL: 8.5
Good game with a compleing story line. top noch graphics, good sound, and great gameplay but its just missing some key things that could have made this game one of the true gta killers