I played this cause the open world formula is good, the mission, driving, shooting, etc..but this game lack OF STORY!
2) the shooting is strange cause you are a super rambo you dont get killed easily, so it gets boring sometimes to shoot cause its like playing with a cheat ..like GODLIKE....and of course the ai of the enemies are really stupid, i can surround one guy then move to the side, then jump, then run, then eat an ice cream then shoot him.
3) the driving is ok, but sometimes just to turn is so hard!, but well that is passable, cause you can go frenzy and push people, destroy cars and everything, but when you really want to drive good its hard and boring.
4) the missions are bad, you are a badass in a badass town in badass people, and you have to kill to get respect, to obtain territory, and so on, there is almost none police force, so you can do whatever you want.
5) THERE is absolutely no good story here, you just go and kill for kill ad kill please, go fetch dog, go go..fetch prostitues, kill that, steal that, go that.
why GTA is so good its cause the variety, the secrets, AND FIRST THE STORY!!! how can you compare a miami gangster fighting through to survive, earn a place with the mafia, like a really nice scarface look, with a guy shooting in the neighborhood
the first looks incredible the second looks like a really bad mexican ganster movie.
That is for me the saint row formula dont work, lack of story, good place to set it....i dont care about a hip hop ganster to be my boss and earn his respect..
But i really care about being number one in GTA, throught hardships, mafia, ministories, get good cars, houses, airplanes, etc etc...there is just no comparison..
So if you played Gta please really avoid this, its bad bad...well of course if you like crackdown, and you like to go killing and killing without knowing why?...this game is for u. mindless shooting...at least your hip hop boss would like very much in a very poor voice acting.