Fun GTA clone
User Rating: 8.6 | Saints Row X360
personally, i like saints row. if you are a big fan of the GTA genre, then this will definately tide you over till the much anticipated GTA IV hits the shelves. the gameplay was nothing new and different, everything you expect from an open sandbox is there. plenty of side activities to keep you busy if you dont want to do the traditionally storyline. the graphics are hands down outstanding, as well as the sound. the story on the other hand, is a little disheartening. to be more specific, the ending outright sucked. (not to spoil things for the folks who havent bought this yet) for all that you built, after conquering all of stillwater, the ending was anti-climactic to say the least. at least the developers had the common courtesy of allowing you to save the game before the final cutscene. outside of the ending, the game on the whole is a great game, and there is a ton of replay value. the achievements are not an easy thing to come by, but fun to earn nonetheless.