Saints Row - GTA Wannabe? or Challenger?

User Rating: 9.2 | Saints Row X360
Honestly, I liked Saints Row better than Vice City. San Andreas is hard to beat, but will be by GTA 4.

Some people say THQ took advantage of Rockstar's downtime during GTA4 and Table Tennis to put out a game that would only make them money because it gives GTA lovers something to play in the mean time...

BUT! now it's set it's foot down, and might even challenge GTA for top spots in GTA style games. Saints Row has a 2nd installation coming out maybe 6 months after GTA4, which is good, because it'll give GTA fans time to own up Liberty City and move back to Saints Row.

But i digress...

Bads in Saints Row aren't easy to find, at least for me.

Goods, of course are easy to find :D Let me use old style bullets to name them... Only because i feel like it...

* Explosions.. -- they are insane!
* Rag Doll Physics -- greatest thing ever for this game, hopefully GTA can top it off
* Story Line -- Complicated it may be, but fun none the less

Alright, I'll stop there...
I haven't played in a while because of NASCAR 08 coming out, but i'll get back to it...
I'm looking forward to Saints Row 2 because of the amazing first impressions I got off of this game..

Thumbs Up to THQ and Volition!