A awesome game but the ending is dissapointing. I would say that Saints Row is better than any GTA game.
User Rating: 9.6 | Saints Row X360
This game is oone of the best games that I have played in a long time. The only reason why I say that Saints Row is better than GTA is that almost every single car can be stored in the gurage. If you don't want to take any cars out of your guarage than just hyjack any car and it is pretty fast. You could costimize any car in this game (except for the PO PO) and you get a sence of acomplishment by doing so. The story line is great and your charecter doesn't talk intell the last gang missions. The ending is dissapointing beacause when you beat the main story line you get two extra missions and thier pretty easy. When you are done you get a cutscene and you die and credits show and you respawn to your last checkpoint.