Saints Row, meet GTA. GTA, meet Saints Row.

User Rating: 8 | Saints Row X360
Now that the introductions are out of the way, Saints Row may feel like GTA sometimes, but that doesn't mean that Saints Row is a rip-off. If you think that, then seriously, compare both side by side. Saints Row has multiplayer. GTA doesn't. Anyway, Saints Row places you, an unknown character in a gang war between the 3rd Street Saints (purple), Westside Rollerz (blue), Los Carnales (red), and the Vice Kings (yellow). Basically you are picked up by the Saints who want to recruit you. You then prove yourself and are "canonized". So basically after that, you can walk around the city, cause chaos, beat up strangers, run over mailboxes to pick up money, beat up old ladies, or just buy some new clothes and weapons. Basically it's like GTA with a free-roaming city. Little secret: Your character does talk at the end of each gang storyline. Just saying. Now we talk about the multiplayer. The multiplayer has a lot of game modes, and also has clan (gang) support so you can create a gang and invite friends to it. Protect Tha Pimp is one mode where you are either on the Pimp side (protect whoever is the pimp on your team) or the Hitman side (take out the Pimp). Team Gangsta Brawl and Gangsta Brawl are basically deathmatch and team deathmatch. All in all, Saints Row is a lot of fun, and it's certainly a favorite of mine.