Review: Saints Row (360)

User Rating: 9 | Saints Row X360
Review: Saints Row (360)

When the topic of GTA clones comes up, the thought usually sends shivers down many gamers spines, because by in large most of them stink. Will Saints Row suffer the same fate?

You are a Joe Schmo fresh from the mean streets of Saints Row recruited as a survivor of a Drive by Shooting by the 3rd street saints to help take back your neighborhood from the local gangs that are over running it.

Graphically the game looks amazing, mind you that the game world is no where near as large as the one featured in GTA San Andreas, but is every where as large as Vice City, and looks far better than anything that has been offered in the GTA series. Characters look good, and the
"create a character" mode allows you to make a realistic looking personal representation of your self. I still get chuckles looking at my avatar doing things I probably would never do

Music & Sound:
There is a licensed soundtrack to be had here though it is no where near as good or as extensive as it is in the Grand Theft Auto Series, the music is enough to keep you engaged in the game, and the music that is made specifically for the game (non-licensed) is actually quite good to the point that you don't notice it being added to the mix. Though for a game that is supposed to be set in modern times I would have like to hear some bands that are current and not just a lot of 80's hair bands. The voice acting in Saints Row is also excellent featuring an all star cast featuring the likes of Keith David, David Carodine, Michael Clark Duncan, Milla Kunis, and Michel Rappaport.

Control & Game play:
If you have played the GTA series than you should know what to expect here, but what really sets Saints Row Apart is that they cleaned up the game play so much, that it plays smooth and seamless, and makes what you were playing in a game like San Andreas, feel almost choppy by comparison. There are many changes that are welcome like you can swim, but because it is not necessary to swim you can instantly warp to land, and a driving system that actually feels like you are driving a car, and each car handles and drives differently, and considering the amount of cars in this game that is saying a lot. As fun as this game is in single player it is every bit as much fun online on XBL, where you find out just how good you are at urban warfare. It should be noted that the use of guns in this game is not at easy as it was in the GTA series, but takes a more practical approach to the weaponry, and how it is used. What I liked the most was the RPG that actually behaved like the RPG.

Design & Fun Factor:
On the surface Saints Row only appears to be a GTA clone, but once you enter and start to play that you realize that this is a GTA clone crafted with love and care by the development crew, and everything from the excellent storylines, to the superior side missions create a wondrous, and enjoyable atmosphere that I found my self coming home and wanting to play more in an almost addictive state. Online play extends the life of Saints Row Immensely and provides a lot of fun that cam be had while playing friends. If there is a down side it is that the game only took me a little over 20 hours to beat the main story line. But what s satisfying 20 + hours it was. And the mini games are far more fun, interesting and relevant to the game then they were in the GTA series.

This is a game that 360 owners should check out, especially since the game can be purchased for $30 or less. Be sure to at least rent this game, it will appeal to most but it may not appeal to all.


Game play


Fun factor


Average score

Saints Row (360):

Beautiful graphics
Good mini games
Fun multiplayer
Addictive game play

Gunplay is good but could be better
City could have been bigger
More types of vehicles would be nice