Excellent game for a GTA knockoff, plenty of enviroments and gorgeous graphics...

User Rating: 8.6 | Saints Row X360
I first purchased this game the day after christmas, which it was on sale for only 30 bucks. I heard alot of good hype from this game and im a HUGE fan of GTA games. So I thought wth. I began to play and became instantly amazed.... Heres the skinny...

Graphics: Excellent, these graphics are nothing from what you would expect from a GTA game. The creators were very attentive to detail. The gunshot effects are breathtaking, and the character models are perfect. Sound: Sound is really good, but i have to say its only fun to hear the gunshots and explosives. Except the voice acting is really good, including a few celebrities playing voices of the main characters. Too bad your character doesnt have a voice, just facial expressions. (similar to the main character in GTA III.) If you want to get the best experiance with the sound, I'd recommend any type of surround sound system.

Gameplay: This is where the game gets all of its beauty. There is absolutely nothing you can't do. Such as you can walk into any store and hold it up. The cashier will take you to the safe and you can steal all the loot. Also you can take hostages. You can purchase clothes and even plastic surgery. The only problem is that the shooting is fun but can be difficult, because lack of a flashy HUD and rumble feature. This can become extremely frustrating and not only that, you can't tell who killed you, especially in the multiplayer mode.

Multiplayer: The modes are really cliche and nothing really new added to 3rd person shooters. Which isn't all that bad, except for the cheesy names that the game types are named. Such as "Big Ass Chains" which is a mode similar to a king of the hill. You try to take as many chains as possible before the time runs out. There are minor glitches to the multiplayer and lag. Which this isnt a extreme problem, except in co-op mode which makes it extremely frustrating.

Verdict: An excellent game which deserves to be recognized even though its a GTA clone. With a decent story, incredible voice acting and addicting gameplay this game deserves the score...