The game its self is good but it is pretty hard to complete plus they don't always swear when you walk don the street like they do on GTASA which really does suck plus they don't have lame cut scenes plus the story line makes sense which is good the activities keeps the excitement going by making unlocks at the end of the activities but the respect needed for missions is hard to earn but that makes a game more fun so i suppose that is a postive review the few negative points are the glitches with the car bonnet entry think and if the game freezes up which i find it does a few times in my opinion the game is great so its completely upto you let me know what you think.
Some info you might want to know before I get on with the review, I am about 40-50 hours in the game and beaten the main storyline. My Gamertag is ShottyOwnage You begin the game by making a custom character of your c... Read Full Review
Saints row is a under- appreciated game that really deserves more credit. It may be similar to GTA but you could make that case for EVERY game for pete's sake. The graphics are amazing and they really show what the 360 c... Read Full Review