A great action game...
The story line is great,and the multiplayer is also great.
The graphics are really good,and have some good detail,also the sound is very good,and the gameplay is great,and the controls are very easy to use.
The story line is not hard to complete,and the multiplayer is really fun.
And you can take your cars to the garage and make them better.
Graphics:8.5/10:The graphics in this game are really good,and have some good detail,and make the game much more fun and better to play.
Sound:8.5/10:The sound in this game is also great.
Gameplay:8.5/10:The gameplay is great,and the controls are very easy to use.
Story line:8.5/10:The story line in this game is not hard to complete.
Multiplayer:8.5/10:The multiplayer in this game is very good,and is fun to play.
Overall:8.5/10:This game has some good graphics,and has some good detail,also the gameplay is very good,and the controls are very easy to use,and the sound is also good,and the story line is good,and it is not really hard to complete.And the multiplayer is very good,and is fun to play,also you can take your cars to the garage and make them better.