First off, this game is not a rip off of gta, it plays and looks like it, but the feel of the gameplay is different. While it isn't as good as grand theft auto, it is still a lot better than games such as true crime, and is worth the money. The graphics outdue san andreas as they should being on the 360, but the overall fun I had playing it just didn't match up to the experience of gta. The driving mechanic is strange, but it is fun colliding head on and having the driver fly through the windshield. The shooting mechanic is great, way better than gta, and the A.I. of the characters is stellar. It is a nice feature being able to create your own character, but because he doesn't have any lines it dampers the story and made me stop playing the game before I finished it because I got bored. This game has some great visual effects and fun gameplay, but can get boring, and thats what THQ needs to fix in Saints Row 2.
Some info you might want to know before I get on with the review, I am about 40-50 hours in the game and beaten the main storyline. My Gamertag is ShottyOwnage You begin the game by making a custom character of your c... Read Full Review
Saints row is a under- appreciated game that really deserves more credit. It may be similar to GTA but you could make that case for EVERY game for pete's sake. The graphics are amazing and they really show what the 360 c... Read Full Review