Saints Row finds a great way to entertain you but needs a little more to keep me interested

User Rating: 8.7 | Saints Row X360
Its not that Saints Row, is a bad game but on the contrary a Great game, it’s got everything you could possibly ask for. If your a fan of the kill, steal, take, everything genre. I found this game to be quite entertaining and Cleary has a great formula for a sequel. STORY: You are a 3rd street Saint, only time in the hood will tell if you’re willing to battle the gangs and citizens with respect or with a ruthless gun blast. You can littlarly find something to do everywhere in Stillwater. Nothing is as easy as it seems, if you try to take on two many enemies and to many gangs at a time, you will fall. Their is 3 gangs but the Carnales have the most territory, nevertheless for me they were some of the easier missions, then the others. I took out all the Carnales and pretty much all the Rollers missions but did not have enough time to finish the Vice King's, with about 55% of the full game complete.

PROS: Almost perfectly crafted game, which follows the GTA formula very well in a new and further drawn, gang controlling game. Good driving mechanics, weapon variety, vehicle variety, good replay value...

CONS: Their really is nothing wrong with this game, maybe a few glitches but I had no problems, while I played. It needs more variety in side, variety and main missions, also a little more, innovation of new ideas. More story and comedy would have also been nice, like in the GTA games.

OVERALL: I was not expecting much from this game but was presently surprised at how much goodies it delivers. However, I am just not the type that likes the kill, steal everything type of games but if you do, then I would strongly recommend this game. Furthermore, because it provides allot of fun and is not just another GTA clone, like you may have thought.