You start off,a bum,the only thing to do is the mission.But like any beginer,you go explore,seeing the world that is stillwater.You see a police car,and instictly,you steal it.You drive round for 10 minutes running over anyone you see getting a load of cops on you.A neat and sexy,sleak sports car pulls up next to you,you get out of the smeely old cop car to steal the sports car then your surrounded by cops armed to the teeth.The man in the sports car comes out,wearing blue,you think nothing of it untill he pulls out an uzi and kills every last cop,you cant believe your luck,but then you here people calling him a "rolller" or a "gang man".At this you laugh until he turns round and shoots you until your a bloody mess on the floor and the screen says "your smoked".Time for missions............ Soon after you find out he was in a gang called the west side rollers and from then on,you swore unearthly war on them.You change to a shadow of your former self,from being a no-body with crappy clothes,you become the most feared man in the town,wearing the most expensive clothes money can buy. Anyway,the graphics are the best in a game of this genre ever-no dought while the sounds are great,with cd you buy with music from even rock legend iggy pop and all that old crap!!! So i say,if you dont have this game then bend over and beat yourself or run to the nearest game store and buy it.The choice is yours..........
Some info you might want to know before I get on with the review, I am about 40-50 hours in the game and beaten the main storyline. My Gamertag is ShottyOwnage You begin the game by making a custom character of your c... Read Full Review
Saints row is a under- appreciated game that really deserves more credit. It may be similar to GTA but you could make that case for EVERY game for pete's sake. The graphics are amazing and they really show what the 360 c... Read Full Review