I write "disappointing" in the classification because well, it was. It reminded me of "Infamous" .
I loved in the previous titles customizing my car and looks, but its not even worth it in this one since when you're sprinting you can just go right through vehicles without stopping or getting knocked down. It was really fun at first, but literally after an hour or so, you'll find yourself shaking your head. Oh, and the music, not bad, but nothing compared to the other titles. I went in to make a mixed tape, didn't need to, so I just turned on some music in the background and listened to the guns.
Which brings me to the next point, the guns remain intact and infact improved IMO. I really hate that the environment never changed, no rain, no sunshine, nothing, just a gloomy depressing thing despite the clock. I can't stop thinking of infamous honestly, it literally had so many roof top activities. I mean in previous titles, you couldn't just super sprint then jump above buildings and glide wherever you wanted to.
You couldn't climb up skyscrapers, you focused on the ground aspect, not the sky.Well not this one, you'll spend more time gliding (flying) then on the ground looking for little trinkets to help you level up your powers. Eh, even writing this makes me a bit upset. It's a fun game, but nothing you can spend hours on, especially if you're a veteran of this series. I can see newcomers liking it, but the days of taunting and agreeing with your specialized hand gestures are gone (They still have them in SR4 but why since you're fighting aliens who hate you either way). Maybe it's just me, but like I said, Infamous minus the electricity replaced with human/alien guns.