Varied missions, outrageous vehicles and satisfying weapons make Saints Row The Third a game well worth playing.

User Rating: 9.5 | Saints Row: The Third PS3
The Good:
+A great new city with new varied locations.
+Fantastic amounts of customization.
+Great and varied mission design.
+New and returning addictive side missions.
+Loads of replay value.
+Simple physics are fun and work well.
+Hilarious story and dialogue.
+The entire game can be played in co-op.
+Lots of Vehicles.
+Endless fun.
+Nice visual design.
+Lots of satisfying weapons
+Weapon upgrades.
+Great soundtrack.
+Respect is no longer need to play story missions.
+You get more than your money's worth.

The Bad:
-Major Pop in issues.

Previous Saints Row games were set in the fictional city of Stillwater, in Saints Row The Third you are let loose in the new city of Steelport. When it comes to storyline Saints Row 2 was a direct sequel to the original Saints Row, Saints Row The Third is also a direct sequel to Saints Row 2 but the storyline is more accessible this time around for those who haven't played previous Saints Row games. Both of the storylines in the two previous Saints Row games had you at the botton and working your way up to the top, in Saints Row The Third you are already at the top and the Saints are enjoying the good life, Pierce, Shaundi and Gat return and they are all looking better. However things soon turn from good to bad as a bank heist soon goes terrible wrong, you are then put in prison but a bailed out by a group called the Syndicate, the Syndicates wants to take over Stillwater but of course the Saints don't let them, this then leads into a gunfight through the Syndicates private plane and the Saints land in steelport after diving out the back. Steelport is occupied by the Syndicate, so once again you have to work your way to the top and take over Steelport. The story is well written and has a lot of hilarious dialogue and twists that constantly introducing new characters.
Once you start the game you and complete the first mission you are then given the ability to once again, customize your own character, the character customization tools are once again excellent with plenty of new tools including new skin colours that not only allow yellow skin for Simpsons fans but also skin colours like gold and chrome. After customizing your main character you then go onto two more missions before you can roam the city, these missions just like every mission in the game are a extremely fun. After completing these missions you can roam the city and find lots of side missions that are there for you to participate it or ignore. Some of the side missions are introduced in the main story and while it may sound bad, there feel like normal missions and are really fun to play. The side missions include returning favorites like insurance fraud and trail blazing and new ones like tank mayhem and Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax with deadly enemies and deadlier traps. The story missions are varied, fun and some never get old, these missions range from simple shootouts to destroying enemy forces in a VTOL jet, fighting zombies on and infested island and a gunfight through the sky. Outside of story missions and side missions, you can purchase buildings to increase your pay and find many of the hidden items and stunts throughout the city. In Saints Row 2 you had the ability to use improvised weapons, these are gone Saints Row The Third, this is not a bad thing however because, the feature replacing the improvised weapons is much better, you can now upgrade your weapons by adding spikes to you baseball bat or upgrading your guns with laser sights and increased rate of fire. Vehicles customization is back and as fun as ever, for example, you can now add underglow to your cars. Outside of all that impressive gameplay you earn respect for doing pretty much things you would want to do anyway like headshots, nutshots and driving in oncoming traffic, unlike Saints Row 2, this respect is not used to play story missions but is used to buy upgrades that include things increased health, more ammo and dual wielding weapons. Cheat codes are also as fun as ever and include cheats for zombie pedestrians and increased gore. The controls and physics are as great as they were in Saints Row 2. The amount of vehicles is also satisfying ranging from simple cars, to tanks, jets, attack choppers and even flying motorcycles. There is so much to do in Saints Row The Third, I just don't have time to list it all. Once again the whole game can be played in co-op and it is really fun to play this way, multiplayer that was present in Saints Row 2 has been removed, while fun in Saints Row 2, it was just icing on what is a tasty cake, and in a way, it is a good thing that multiplayer is not included as so many games focus too much on multiplayer, they forget to make an enjoyable single player experience.
The Saints Row series has never been known for it's graphics but there has been a nice upgrade from Saints Row 2. The graphics in Saints Row The Third look a lot more reel than Saints Row 2 but also still have a cartoon like feel to them that goes with the over the top nature of the game, this isn't cartoon like graphics that you would see in games like Ratchet and Clank of Crash Bandicoot but that is a good thing because that would probably ruin the game. Unfortunately there is a fair bit of pop-in with vehicles and trees, however these will soon be unnoticeable because you will be having so much fun.
Voice acting is terrific and impressive considering that you have the option to give your character six different voices. Saints Row The Third once again features a great soundtrack that fans of all music genres should enjoy it, the soundtrack doesn't have very many tripple A songs but the songs it does have are still good.
Saints Row The Third is a complete package that almost any open world fan should play, if you can look past the pop-in, which you should be able to, this game is a masterpiece. Saints Row The Third gets an almost perfect 9.5/10.