Worth Getting !
Pros : Graphics are decent for a open world game (A bit cartoonish)
Gameplay more or less like Just cause 2 ( Game play Mechanics almost copied )
Lots of customization of the characters, different taunts and style copied straight from wwe games which is hilarious and something to lol'ing about,
Co op is total fun, only for 2 players though
You can kill people with a **** and other funny stuff
THQ concentrated more On making it funny rather than putting serious stuff, which is the main reason to get this game, lots of funny things you can do !
Cons : AI is repetitive and they spawn on you again and again and again.
Poorly optimized ,frequent frame rate drops, Don't think of running it on high or ultra settings who have medium end gc's, average story, little buggy but manageable.
8 / 10