Saints Row: The Third takes place after Saints Row 2 where the player is in full control of the Third Street Saints gang
This game has many good features that I do not know where to begin, but I have an idea I will start with the gameplay. The controls for the game are smooth there has been no problem controlling the game in any form. You can use it whether it be walking, driving, or flying. Driving a car in this game is still as fun as ever, where you can customize the car to make it your own. Sadly, you cannot customize boats or planes that I know of. The customization in this game is improved since the last game. The player customization has seen a facelift since number two. In the previous games, there has been activity side mission now if you were to complete them you get a reward like a pimp can shot gun. They are still here but there is not as much rewards this time around but the difficulty on them did decrease which is a good plus to it.
Now there are hardly any rewards for the side missions but there are still rewards in the game. In the previous games you needed respect to do missions that changed in the Third, the respect now is how you upgrade your character whether it be unlimited ammo for your guns or no fall damage so you can fall on the ground like an idiot. Now that is a good change of pace, the previous games you had to do the activity side mission to get the cool rewards that was a cool idea but there where to dam difficult to even do. So making them easier and no rewards was the best idea they came up with for the activity side mission.
Now is the hard part of this review to tell you what I hate about this game if there is any. It was hard to tell you readers what I believe was bad about this game but I must suffer and spit it out. Once you beat the game 100% and get all the trophies/ achievements there will no replay left to the game. For me i am at 50% so I have some re play left in my game. The cheats that are in the game are a good idea but you're playing your campaign and invite a friend who yours cheat and don't realize it and save you be no longer able to unlock trophies/ achievements which is ok if your done with the game but if you're not that far and realize it you be mad . Well that is the bad part of this review.
To compare the pros and cons of this game. The pros are what make this game worthwhile. The weight that makes this game fun far overshadows the cons of this game. We there is a game this fun it is hard to compare what make it not as fun. The ability to upgrade your character without doing the activity side mission is such a better idea than doing them. Therefore the goods out way the negatives.
So now time for the verdict. Time to wrap up this review. The gameplay controls and insane fun is the good part of this game. They did a good thing by changing up the reward system in this game. The cheats while being fun they lock your trophies/ achievements in the game so that a minus. Therefore, in my opinion this is a good game you get a lot for the price you pay.