Saints Row: The Third is not only the best game in the series, but the best open-world game in years
- Focuses on pure, over the top, fun
- Incredible character customization
- Crude, controversial, and very funny set pieces are everywhere
- Solid Voice work and Music Soundtrack
- Excellent co-op mode
- A lot of extras to keep you entertained
- Graphics look a little rough
- Main story is actually somewhat short
- Some people will probably DESPISE the games sexual content
To summarize this game in one word? Impossible, it takes many words to sum up the joy and fun I had during my play through of Saints Row: The Third.
The story begins with you, the leader of the Saints. A once thrill less street gang, the Saints are now icons; with Movies, action figures, stores, and even an energy drink. During a holdup at a bank however, the Saints discover a new threat: The Syndicate, a gang located in the fictional town of Steelport. As you can guess, this eventually leads to a new goal for the saints (and you): take over Steelport, and make it your city.
Saints Row 3, like its previous entries, focuses a lot on making the game about how you want to play. Do you want your customized character to be a British accented obese man covered head to to toe in tattoos wearing nothing but boxers- go for it! Do you want to make an unnaturally large breasted woman who talks like a zombie the whole game in a cheerleader outfit? You can do that too!
And what about gameplay? Well, the new additions are very nice. You can now upgrade your weapons, and turn a simple assault rifle into a death machine, or flashbangs into...farts in a jar. The shooting mechanics work nicely, as usual, and the new melee (read: kicks and punches to the man-gems) and car maneuvers are pretty awesome (forget opening the door, dropkick through the windshield and start driving away!).
Presentation wise, Saints Row 3 looks good, but nothing amazing. The city is big and has some very interesting locations, but some spots just look dated. Voice acting on the other hand, is very enjoyable and fits the game nicely (Hulk Hogan as a luchador...this needs no explanation). The humor is dirty, crass, and funny, but the image of purple phallic symbol used as weapon will definitely steer some people away.
Overall, Saints Row: The Third is a relentlessly fun, immature, and bold game that deserves to be played. As enjoyable as it is dirty.